* Food Borne Diseases updated  2009/05/06 08:47
A Los Angeles man who says he got salmonella poisoning at a buffet restaurant in Reno, Nev., filed suit Tuesday against a Northern California spicemaker.
The suit, filed in Superior Court, is believed to be the first stemming from a bacterial outbreak that sickened more than 40 people earlier this year in California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington.
No deaths were reported.
David Navarrette of San Pedro said he became ill in March after consuming contaminated spices served in food at the restaurant.
“We are going to determine how these spices became contaminated to make sure it does not happen again,” said his attorney, Ron Simon, who filed the action and who represents others who became ill.
Navarrette’s suit accuses spicemaker Union International Food Company of Union City of liability, negligence and breach of warranty.
The company recalled its Lian How and Uncle Chen brands of spices.
Union International did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the lawsuit.